Antonio Benavides
ENG 008
Mr. Lewenstein
When I was only a child, I didn't have much. At the time It was the year 2004, I was living in San Diego with my parents and little brother.  One day, we were In some sort of daycare and this mysterious lady walked in. She seemed to be holding a folder full of paperwork. She had asked for us  to go with her. I was confused at first, but she later told us that she was gonna help us find a new home. From that day forward, I never seen my parents again. The day that mysterious lady came was the day our lives had changed.
 The reason why she was gonna help us find a new home, was because living at home was very rough. My dad wasn't all that great after all, he was very abusive towards my little brother and I. He was also an alcoholic for this reason, he was abusive. For instance, there was this one time I remember like It was yesterday, my dad was smoking a cigarette and he decides to use my arm to put his cigarette out. In fact, till this day I still have scars.
At first, looking for a new home was hard. However, that didn't stop the social worker. They tried contacting relatives but no one ever came. We spent a couple of months in a group home In San Diego. We were later transferred to a group home in the imperial valley. We were in and out of different foster homes in the Imperial valley. Soon enough a couple came looking for a child to take home, luckily they chose me. But I couldn't leave my little brother behind, so they decided to take him in as well. It took a while to get use to living there, but it was worth it.
   After, a couple of months of living with them, they decided they wanted to adopt us. When they told us I was literally crying because I was so happy. The adoption takes time so we had court dates that we had to attend. Finally, the day had came we were officially adopted. We were happy to call them our ne Mom and Dad!
   In conclusion, all though I went through a rough childhood, I was able to overcome my situation. My mom tells me that "everything happens for a reason." I learned no matter how hard life pushes you down, you have to get back up, and most importantly never give up. God has something planned for everyone.


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